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Health Professionals summoned to renew Primary Health Care
By Rosemeire Soares Talamone and Ferraz Jr.

The World Health Organization has left its message concerning the necessity to change the current biological model as the organization encourages the adoption of a wider definition of health. Not only is health defined as the absence of sickness, but it is also a human welfare state. In order to discuss this proposal and pursue models based on that concept, São Paulo held the Primary Health Care Conference from July 28th to 30th.

The activities were organized and coordinated by professors Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes (Secretary-General) and Carla Ventura (Executive Coordinator). They are both from the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. More than one thousand people from forty-five countries were present at the 8th Conference of the WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery, including WHO, PAHO and Brazil’s Ministry of Health authorities.

The WHO Collaborating Centres gather forty-three institutions related to nursing, the only ones organized as a global network. They develop activities related to the instituted programs during the General Meeting. The objective is to strengthen health institutions and collaborate with the elaboration and adoption of public policies that meet WHO goals. 



English version: Murilo Alves Zacareli

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